Thanks to the history behind the creation of our French professional 3D printers, the NOVA is part of a global distributed manufacturing solution.
Choosing COSMYX professional French 3D printers means fully embracing the industry of the future and participating in the country's reindustrialization through distributed manufacturing. Explanations with Anthony SEDDIKI, President of Visière Solidaire, President of COSMYX and founder of the Val Solidaire industrial workplace.
What is distributed manufacturing ?
Anthony SEDDIKI, President of COSMYX : "Distributed manufacturing is the ability to produce a customer request and supply it as close to the customer as possible. To put it more concretely: it enables us to produce ultra-local everyday or production tools for manufacturers. This avoids the need for a large production structure, where everything is produced, with high travel costs to deliver orders. In particular, it avoids production at the other end of Europe or France by a single company, only to deliver to Nice, Bordeaux or Bayonne. Instead of producing so far away, we produce directly in Nice and deliver to Nice. That's what distributed manufacturing is all about."
What's at stake in such a mode of production and consumption ?
"The challenges are ecological, industrial and territorial. Distributed manufacturing enables our territories, which have lost their industrial activity, to gradually re-industrialize thanks to distributed production and in particular via additive manufacturing. Broad development of this solution would enable us to restructure our industrial fabric and help our economy."
NOVA in distributed manufacturing ?
"The application to distributed manufacturing was the basis for the specification of our professional 3D printer. The NOVA was developed for distributed manufacturing! The terms that have been used most in our discussions since the beginning are: repeatability, production, productivity, very little waste and limited moving parts. We imposed these constraints on ourselves in order to meet the requirements of distributed manufacturing. You need a tool that can guarantee that, under similar conditions, you'll be able to reproduce the same part under the same conditions, regardless of the 3D printer's geographical location or serial number.
This was our starting point for the development of our operating system. It had to be ready to be networked with other NOVA machines or to integrate with other industrial operating systems to enable NOVA to enter as easily as possible as a distributed manufacturing production unit."
Will there be a solution for 3D printers from other manufacturers to enter distributed manufacturing ?
"We are currently developing a tool based on our proprietary operating system, ready for distributed manufacturing, which will enable 3D printers from other brands to be connected to production parks. This tool will enable small manufacturing units to have some of the management we offer with the NOVA interface for distributed manufacturing. We won't have access to everything, because obviously, depending on the printers and the management logic of the different manufacturers, we won't have all the management information. We'll never be able to integrate it as well as with a NOVA, but we'll be able to manage a production fleet and switch a standard printer into a production machine thanks to this tool."