In December 2021, COSMYX was awarded the Innovative Start-up of the Year prize by Medef Essonne at the 91 d'Or awards. A few months later, the Essonne branch magazine published an article on our company in its April issue.

After naming COSMYX THE 2021 innovative start-up in the Essonne region, Medef Essonne published an article about our company in its April issue (see page 7). The company profile looks back at the history of COSMYX and its creation by VS Projects. This is an important perspective, as it helps us to better understand the DNA and uniqueness of our structure. We come, in part, from the associative world with Visière Solidaire, and our development is based on this fiber. Of course, we design and manufacture professional French 3D printers for the industrial sector, but our business goes much further than that. In its article, CAP IDF Essonne points out that COSMYX's activity is based around 3 axes to help revitalize and reindustrialize the country : the sale of professional French 3D printers, a global proposal for industry 4.0 and 3D printing services. It is a reminder of our determination to help territories create jobs through the development of distributed manufacturing. COSMYX and VS Projects are also part of a social economy approach to enable Visière Solidaire to continue its actions, and the Val Solidaire industrial third place to promote access to digital technology through training and events.
Read the CAP IDF Essonne article below :